Action Object Character Components

In order for the Player's Character to interact with Action Objects you need to add the Character Action Obj Component Host. This component will add the other required components. It also host the Action Guide that the Action Objects will use to guide their player interactions.

The Action Objects pull all there information from the ActionGuide DataTable. These tables are assigned in the Action Guide Assignment Array that is part of the Character Action Obj Component Host component. To assign a proper guide you need to make the ActionGuide for a level with the level's name. In C++ it will then grab the appropriate ActionGuide based on if the level names match. You will also need to assign DT_SequenceHandlerReferences. This is a DataTable that should be included with the plugin and you will just need to assign it here.
Now we want to assign the action mapping so the included features will work. PhysicalInteract is what I use to make any kind of animation sequences run and AudioInteract will call the speak sequences. The CustomSequenceAction is an example and if you want to be able to go through the Demo level you will need to had it here.

To make it so that CustomSequenceAction will operate you will need to add this Blueprint logic to you PlayerCharacter Blueprint. This will call the necessary functions from the active ActionObject as to run this PlayerRequestedCustomInput.